December 20, 2024

President and the Principal, Mary Lang and Martha Tedesco
This is the last Rocket Report of the semester. On behalf of the faculty and staff, we wish you all a blessed Christmas.
May your celebration of the birth of Jesus this season
Open you to the true joy and lasting peace of Christ.
May what began in a simple manger on that night so long ago
Continue in our hearts every day of the coming year.

Our community participated in many Christmas service activities this year!
- 150 cards were made that will go to those living in elderly care facilities that don’t often receive visitors through the “My Dear Friend” holiday card making campaign. For each one of these cards we made, $1 was donated by Massage Envy to the organization GlamourGals, who ministers to the elderly.
- 50 students came together during RTI to make 15 blankets for Blanket Louisville and Project Warm. These will be shared with those in our community for whom these cold days and nights are extra challenging.
- 80 students worked together to make 750 ornaments for Louisville Catholic Cemeteries and their Tree of Remembrance prayer service for community members to honor loved ones for Christmas that have passed. In addition, Assumption students handed out programs and served all the refreshments during the actual event.
- 34 of our faculty and staff members came together to provide Christmas gifts for 40 people through Catholic Charities Presents with a Purpose project. This will help parents who are struggling to provide gifts for their children a chance to do that.
- Additionally, over 150 members of our community have shared a random act of kindness. As part of our daily Advent reflections students received, there was a link to a random act of kindness survey. Students responded by sharing something kind they witnessed or something kind they did. For each act of kindness, a piece of straw was placed in our manger so that we could create a soft place full of our kindness to welcome our Savior on Christmas.
- From All Saints’ Day until December 12, students were invited to complete items on their “Punch of Mercy” punch card. The card itself featured a Christmas tree with 10 ornaments on it, each one representing a different activity, including many of which are listed here. For each “punch” on their punch card, students earned family points and had their name in a drawing for a gift card. And those students who completed all 10 “punches” got an extra day of spirit wear on Friday, December 13!

MAKE-UP EXAMS: A doctor’s note is required to make up any missed exam. Makeup exams will be given on Monday, December 23 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 202; students need to bring their doctor’s notes in advance or bring them with them on December 23 to be eligible to take a makeup exam.
CHRISTMAS BREAK: This is the last Rocket Report of the semester. Assumption will be closed for Christmas Break from December 23 – January 5. Classes will resume on Monday, January 6. The next Rocket Report will be sent on Friday, January 10.
12:30 DISMISSAL DAY ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 10: On Friday, January 10, we will follow a 12:30 dismissal schedule so that our faculty and staff can participate in faculty/staff meetings. After-school supervision will not be provided. Please make plans for your daughter to be picked up by 12:45.

PARENT PRAYER: Parent Prayer will resume its weekly schedule on Tuesday, January 7 at 8:30 a.m. in the AHS chapel. We will be praying for Kingstown Family freshmen and sophomores. All are welcome!
PRAYER INTENTIONS: All Assumption parents and alumnae are invited to share prayer intentions. Periodically, we will include the line of “prayer intentions posted online by AHS parents and alumnae” as part of our morning prayer over the P.A. Likewise, feel free to include the intentions you find there in your own personal prayer. To participate, please follow this link.

We are thrilled to announce that we had over 35 applicants for our freshman elected leadership positions this year. This level of enthusiasm to lead is such a great sign of wonderful things to come from the class of 2028! From our excellent pool of candidates, our homerooms did select their student leaders for the spring semester. Serving as Family Council members, we welcome: Lydia McCool (Birr), Emily Biermann (Booterstown), Stella Jones (Carlow), Josie Eichberger (Charleville), Claudia Norrenbrock (Cork), Celia Barr (Galway), Parker Lilly (Kingstown), Ava Johnson (Limerick), Malana Schnuerle (Tullamore). Serving as Class Officers, we welcome: Katie Wancket (Birr), Autumn Mattingly (Booterstown), Sara Manikhong (Carlow), Lucy Perez (Charleville), Gracyn Stockwell (Cork), Elizabeth Belle Brown (Galway), Khloe Cates (Kingstown), Cara Tackett (Limerick), and Lacey Prather (Tullamore).

SECOND SEMESTER SCHEDULES: Hard copies of the second semester schedules will be given to students during homeroom on Monday, January 6. Students will have homeroom scheduled first on this day. Students will need to report to homeroom FIRST when they return to school. Students have already had the opportunity to meet with their deans with any scheduling questions. Drop/Add for second semester elective courses ends on Wednesday, January 15. Any elective schedule change request must be accompanied by a note from a parent and any necessary teacher signatures and recommendations.
SECOND SEMESTER BOOKS: Christmas break is a good time to check and make sure students have all of their second semester books. Please go to https://bnck-12.com/ahsrockets to review this list.
FIRST SEMESTER GRADE REPORTS: First semester grade reports will be emailed to parents no later than Monday, January 6.
WORK STUDY PROGRAM: Assumption’s Work Study Program is accepting new applicants for the Spring 2025 semester. For information and to apply, please click the following link: WORK STUDY PROGRAM
UNIFORM UPKEEP: We have asked students to take care of any uniform issues over Christmas break. Please check your daughter’s skirt length to be sure it is at least fingertip long. Also, please make sure your daughter has the official AHS uniform sweater or quarter-zip sweatshirt to wear over her uniform shirt in these colder months. The sweater and quarter-zip must be free of snags and holes. Additionally, black leggings or tights are the only things allowed to be worn under skirts. Please assist your daughter in evaluating her current uniform status and take care of any uniform upkeep so that we can start off second semester as well as we did first semester. We sincerely appreciate your help and cooperation!
SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS: Scholarship applications for the 2025-2026 school year are now on our website. Applications are due via email by 8:00 p.m. on January 20, 2025, via this link: Scholarship-Directory-2025-2026.pdf. Our Advancement Services Manager, Jackie Bloyd, is happy to answer any questions you may have about scholarships or the application and awards process and can be reached at Jackie.Bloyd@ahsrockets.org.
FINANCIAL AID FORM: The financial aid link for the 2025-2026 school year has been added to the school’s website. The due date is January 31, 2025, and the form must be submitted online to FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment. FINANCIAL AID APPLICATION LINK. As a reminder, you are required to file every year to be considered for assistance.
END-OF-YEAR FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN: We are halfway through our end-of-year fundraising campaign and would greatly appreciate your support as a donor and advocate. These fundraising efforts are so important, not only as they provide vital support for student programs but also help offset the cost of tuition for families. Please consider making a donation and sharing our giving site to help us reach our fundraising goal by December 31. For more info, contact ABBY MARTIN.
ROCKET SPECTACULAR BENEFIT DINNER AND AUCTION 2025: Saturday, February 1, 2025. Please mark your calendar–you won’t want to miss it! This event will SELL OUT. This year’s theme is “Platinum Jubilee,” and plans are underway! DONATIONS NEEDED: We need your help with donations toward our silent and live auctions and the bourbon pull. For more information on how to help support the event, call Tricia Ferree at (502)271-2519 by January 17. *EXCITING NEWS: Don’t miss out on our new Raffle: FLIGHT of PAPPY; a limited number of tickets will be sold. Enter to win @ https://one.bidpal.net/rs25/welcome
CAMPUS STORE CHRISTMAS HOURS: The Assumption Campus Store is a great place to shop for your favorite Rocket! Stop by during our regular hours, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., or on the dates listed below. We also have an online store with shipping and local pickup available. Please note that all online orders must be picked up by 1:00 p.m. on December 21. The last Christmas holiday hours will be:
- Saturday, December 21, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (holiday hours)
Note: The store will close at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, December 20.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Assumption High School seeks an Accounting Manager to join our dedicated team. This is a full-time 12-month position responsible for varying accounting functions, including accounts receivable. Bachelor’s degree and/or three (3) years’ experience in finance or accounting with proficiency in Microsoft Office products including Excel required. To Apply: Please email resume, cover letter, and three professional references to mary.lang@ahsrockets.org. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Assumption High School offers a competitive salary plus benefits including a 50% tuition discount for employees’ daughters.

ACTS PANTS REMINDER: This is a reminder that all sophomores will need uniform pants in order to participate in ACTS next semester. The first ACTS service day is Wednesday, January 22. They are black pants with an embroidered “A” and can be purchased at Shaheen’s. If your student does not have hers yet, please be sure to take care of this over Christmas break. If you have any questions, please reach out to katie.culver@ahsrockets.org.

The Rocket Speech Team who competed at the Raven Invitational at Atherton High School last weekend. The team won the third-place Sweepstakes Award! The following students placed in their individual categories: Brinkley Todd, Isabel Husk, Kate Jarboe, Nikita Nair, Agnes Boyer, Breigh McFadden, Leah Johnson, and Lily Barker.

Congratulations to:
- The Dance team for winning the State Championship in the jazz category! This is the program’s eighth state title. The team was also the runner up in the hip hop category.
- The Cheer team for placing eighth at the state competition!
- The Varsity Basketball team for defeating Brown, Montgomery County, and Collegiate!
- The Archery team for finishing first place overall at the St. Aloysius Christmas tournament. Sophomore Kate Jarboe came in third place overall!
Next Week:
Friday, December 20
- Swim @ Girls Night Out @ UofL 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, December 21
- Varsity Basketball vs Connor @ Highlands Shootout 1:00 p.m.
December 29-30
- Varsity Basketball @ Governor’s Challenge Salisbury, MD
Friday, January 3
- Varsity Basketball vs Pulaski County at Mead Co NYE Bash 3:00 p.m.
Saturday, January 4
- Freshman Basketball vs Anderson County @ St. X 6:00 p.m.
- Swim and Dive @ Catholic School Invitational Cincinnati, OH