LEADERSAHS Administration
Assumption administrators have over 100 combined years of post
secondary education experience as both educators and administrators.

Back Row:
Front Row:
Kamaria Wesley, Vice Principal/Dean of Students
Mary Ann Steutermann, Executive Director of Mission Effectiveness
Judy Fieldhouse H’19, Vice Principal/Dean of Studies
Theresa Liebert Schumann ’92, Vice Principal/Dean of Studies
Sarah Branham ’07, Executive Director of Finance
Martha Pfaadt Tedesco ’90, President
Michelle Coke Farmer ’94, Executive Director of Advancement
Mary Lang, President
2023-2024 Board of Directors

Hank Robinson, Chair
Former Vice President, Tax
Humana, Inc.

Patty Murphy Makatsaria ’90, Vice Chair
PEERS Program Coordinator
Mount Sinai Hospital

Mary Morrow, Treasurer
Owner, CPA
Mary Morrow & Assoc.

Diane Gahafer ’94, Secretary
Chief Operating Officer

Ann Burka Bauer ’74
Senior Vice President, Managing Director, Internal Audit
Republic Bank

Sierra Ashley Davis ’97
Former Director Compliance and Integrity
GE Appliances

Phil Eschels
Former Partner
Denton, Bingham & Greenebaum

Kelly Herde Kerger ’07
Brand Manager

Mary Lang
Assumption High School

Mark Laemmle
Former Senior Vice President
Corporate Finance
Kindred Healthcare, Inc.

Charlie Leis
Former Vice Chairman & CEO
Bramco, Inc.

Hardy Mackenzie, Ph.D.
Learning Leader, Retail Learning & Performance
Humana Inc.

Sr. Diana Newton, RSM ’65
Retired: Former Chaplain

David Springer
Senior Director of Engineering
UPS Airlines

Mark Wiegand, Ph.D.
Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost, Professor, Physical Therapy
Bellarmine University