All studentsAchieving Academic Success

Learning Differences Program

Thirty years ago, Assumption High School had a vision to establish a program to ensure that students with diagnosed learning differences were assured the support and indicated accommodations that would allow them to flourish in our college preparatory setting. Over the last three decades, the success of this program has been recognized at state and national levels, but more importantly, it is one that our students are proud to be a part of.

As result of our Launching the Future Campaign, the former cafeteria has been renovated to provide the Learning Differences Program with a new and enhanced space which meets the caliber of the work that happens within its walls daily.

The Learning Support Center is 5,000 square feet of dedicated space which includes four classrooms, a collaborative common area, a quiet testing room, a conference room, and offices where our students and the learning specialists can work together to help our students achieve their academic goals.

In her words…

“When I was a freshman, I knew I needed to be in the {Learning Differences} program but I was afraid that people would think less of me. Turns out, it doesn’t matter why you are in the program or the fact that you are in it at all. Everyone at Assumption treats us the same way – with respect. I am proud to be a part of the Learning Differences Program because I have met some of the most intelligent, kind, and brave people I know there. Despite having learning differences, we are treated just like any other student at Assumption and we are part of a loved and inclusive community that respects everyone. ”

-Katie F. ’21

Students with learning differences participate fully in regular pre-college curriculum classes. The level at which students participate is determined on an individual student ability/subject area basis.

Components of the Program:

  • A Learning Profile is developed for each student which includes information regarding main difficulties, strengths, learning styles, appropriate accommodations and teaching suggestions.
  • Ongoing communication between the Learning Differences Specialists and the classroom teachers to monitor student progress.
  • Bi-monthly email communication with parents to inform them of grades, newsletters, information, etc.
  • Consistent academic support for students through the implementation of a specific curriculum that focuses on study skills, organization, time management, goal setting, etc.
  • Assistance provided to both students and parents for the successful transition between high school and college.

Eligibility for Support Services:

  • High School Placement Test must be taken at Assumption.
  • A copy of all of the most recent psychoeducational tests reports, completed by a licensed clinical psychologist.
  • A diagnosis of a clearly stated disability that is recognized as a disability in the state of Kentucky or is recognized in the field of special education as a learning disability.
  • A signed release so that AHS can communicate with the elementary or middle school.
  • A copy of the student’s 504 Plan/IEP from the elementary/middle school.

Accommodations that may be provided include: 

  • Extended testing time
  • Preferential seating
  • Quiet testing area
  • Guided notes
  • Note takers
  • Recorded lectures
  • Use of calculators

Questions about the Learning Differences Program? Contact our Learning Difference Specialists Laura Cronin or Judi Erskine for more information.