December 13, 2024

Campus Ministry is continuing our annual practice of preparing our hearts for Christmas through diving into the season of Advent together. Each day of Advent students receive a reflection in their inbox. Each email has a Bible passage, a short reflection, a question or two to consider, and prayer. The intention is to encourage our community to spend a quiet moment amid the hurried stress of the season to reflect and pray. Additionally, they are invited to share any random acts of kindness they have seen or done as well as any service they have done beyond class requirements. Each of these random acts of kindness and epic acts of service are represented by pieces of hay that we use to fill our Christmas manger to prepare a place for Jesus.
Here is today’s reflection if you would like to join us in taking a few moments to prepare your heart for Christmas:
This week our Advent reflections will be focused on PEACE. We are going to concentrate on the peace we receive from the good news of Jesus coming, which is so much deeper than the temporary happiness that worldly things offer.
Bible verse: “He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.” Revelation 21:4
Reflection: For some people, finding peace at Christmastime feels especially difficult. In the season of merry and cozy, the spots in our lives that aren’t so bright seem to be highlighted. Loss, illness, broken relationships, loneliness, and heartache might be what we are experiencing instead of the excitement, joy, and togetherness of Christmas. Perhaps moving the focus more fully to the birth of Jesus can help us find some peace this season when the parties, shopping, music, and movies fall short (as wonderful as they are- they always will!) of providing true peace.
Question: With another busy weekend approaching, where can you carve out some time to focus on Jesus, the true provider of peace?
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for the goodness of this season. You don’t ask that we are perfect, or our lives be perfect to come to you. So, I come to you today full of imperfection just to tell you that I love you and I am thankful for the peaceful presence you bring to my life. Amen.

This week our fine and performing arts students were able to show off all of their hard work from this semester during the Winter Art Show and the Intro into Theatre Showcase. Thanks to all who were able to come to help celebrate the wonderful talents of our students!

END OF SEMESTER EXAM SCHEDULE: Our end of semester exam schedule runs Tuesday, December 17 – Friday, December 20. We will follow our 12:30 dismissal schedule each day. Before-school supervision will be provided in the cafeteria as usual beginning at 7:15 a.m. each day; FLIK will be selling a variety of breakfast items from 7:30-8:15 a.m. each day and snack items at the beginning of each study block. There is no after-school supervision in the cafeteria on Tuesday-Friday, so please make arrangements for your daughter to be picked up on those days within 10-15 minutes after dismissal.
Please note – Early Building Closure: Our building, including the main office, will close at 4:00 p.m. on December 17-20 and will close early at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 18 for a faculty/staff luncheon.
**Students who have F block STUDY on their schedule may leave at 11:25 on Friday (after the E block exam period) if they would like. Those who choose to stay will need to report to cafeteria where they will be supervised until dismissal at 12:30 p.m.
ABSENCE DURING EXAMS: A doctor’s note is required to make up any missed exam. Makeup exams will be given on Monday, December 23 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 202; students need to bring their doctor’s notes in advance or bring them with them on December 23 to be eligible to take a makeup exam.
STUDY GROUP OPPORTUNITIES DURING EXAM WEEK: Students have been invited by the Achievement Center teachers to form study groups during exam week. Students may also come to study independently during this time. All students MUST RSVP to attend, as we will only accept 75 students per study session. Students will receive an email to sign up for these sessions. Please encourage your daughters to take advantage of these opportunities. Study sessions will take place on the following dates:
- Monday, December 16 from 7:30–8:00 a.m. and 3:00–4:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, December 17 from 7:30–8:00 a.m. and 12:30–2:30 p.m.
- Wednesday, December 18 from 7:30–8:00 a.m./No afternoon study groups due to faculty luncheon.
- Thursday, December 19 from 7:30–8:00 a.m. and 12:30–2:30 p.m.
- Friday, December 20 from 7:30–8:00 a.m.
CHRISTMAS BREAK: Assumption will be closed for Christmas Break from December 22 – January 5. Classes will resume on Monday, January 6.

ASSUMPTION PARENT PRAYER: Our parent prayer group met for the last time this semester and will begin again on January 7, 2025. We wish all our families a blessed Christmas season.
ADVENT AT ASSUMPTION: This year Advent runs from December 1 through Christmas Eve. As the beginning of a new liturgical year in the Church, it is a time of joyful anticipation as we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth on Christmas. Please encourage your daughters to participate in our Advent offerings:
- Each school day, students receive a daily Advent reading and reflection with an invitation to participate in activity to spread kindness and joy throughout the school.
- Fr. Michael Schultz has invited all AHS students to a “pink out” at any of the Masses at his parish, St. Albert the Great, the weekend of December 14-15. AHS has invited all students to either attend there or their own church and wear rose/pink. The third Sunday of Advent is known as “Gaudete Sunday,” which means “rejoice” in Latin, and the liturgical color is rose rather than the usual Advent purple. Students are invited to submit a photo of themselves at any church that weekend for a possible prize.
- There will be an optional Mass after school at 3:10 p.m. on Monday, December 16. Fr. Schultz will focus the Mass specifically on the concerns of students going into exams and the end of the semester. All are welcome – students don’t need to be Catholic to attend! They just need to complete the survey they received in their email to RSVP.
PRAYER INTENTIONS: All Assumption parents and alumnae are invited to share prayer intentions. Periodically, we will include the line of “prayer intentions posted online by AHS parents and alumnae” as part of our morning prayer over the P.A. Likewise, feel free to include the intentions you find there in your own personal prayer. To participate, please follow this link.

SECOND SEMESTER SCHEDULES: Your daughter will receive her second semester schedule on Monday, December 16, during Community Time. Please take a moment to ask your daughter about her schedule and if needed, she can see her dean during her study hall on December 17 or 18. For any level changes, she should already be in conversation with her teacher and will also need written approval from a parent. These forms are available in the main office. Of course, Judy Fieldhouse (A–K) and Theresa Schuhmann (L-Z) are always available if you have any questions or concerns.
SECOND SEMESTER BOOKS: Christmas break is a good time to check and make sure students have all of their second semester books. Please go to https://bnck-12.com/ahsrockets to review this list.
FIRST SEMESTER GRADE REPORTS: First semester grade reports will be emailed to parents no later than Monday, January 6.
UNIFORM UPKEEP: We have asked students to take care of any uniform issues over Christmas break. Please check your daughter’s skirt length to be sure it is at least fingertip long. Also, please make sure your daughter has the official AHS uniform sweater or quarter-zip sweatshirt to wear over her uniform shirt in these colder months. The sweater and quarter-zip must be free of snags and holes. Additionally, black leggings or tights are the only things allowed to be worn under skirts. Please assist your daughter in evaluating her current uniform status and take care of any uniform upkeep so that we can start off second semester as well as we did first semester. We sincerely appreciate your help and cooperation!
DRIVING PERMIT TEST FORM: Kentucky requires that your daughter obtains a School Compliance Form from her high school for her to take the driving permit test. If your daughter is planning to take her permit test over the Christmas break and she has not obtained this form, please contact the school before Friday, December 20 at 1:00 p.m. The office will not open again until Monday, January 6 at 7:00 a.m., so please plan ahead to obtain this form to ensure your daughter can take her test at her scheduled time. Per DMV requirements, this form cannot be emailed, scanned or faxed; therefore, the original copy will need to be mailed or picked up at school. Please call 502-458-9551, option ”0” if you need further assistance regarding this issue before Friday, December 20.
PENNY PEETZ FILMING: On Wednesday of this week, Penny Peetz, Assumption’s Hero Therapy dog, and her mom & our PE teacher, Lindsey Peetz, was interviewed by KET. As a part of the interview, Penny walked through the halls and greeted many of our students along the way. If you would prefer your daughter not to be shown as a part of filming, please email Kamaria.Welsey@ahsrockets.org. The interview is set to air on Sunday, December 22!
SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS: Scholarship applications for the 2025-2026 school year are now on our website. Applications are due via email by 8:00 p.m. on January 20, 2025, via this link: Scholarship-Directory-2025-2026.pdf. Our Advancement Services Manager, Jackie Bloyd, is happy to answer any questions you may have about scholarships or the application and awards process and can be reached at Jackie.Bloyd@ahsrockets.org.
FINANCIAL AID FORM: The financial aid link for the 2025-2026 school year has been added to the school’s website. The due date is January 31, 2025, and the form must be submitted online to FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment. FINANCIAL AID APPLICATION LINK. As a reminder, you are required to file every year to be considered for assistance.
GOVERNOR’S SCHOOL FOR ENTREPRENEURS (GSE): Applications for Kentucky’s Governor’s School for Entrepreneurs Summer Startup program are available HERE now! This program for future business leaders teaches collaboration and innovation in a three-week on-campus program. Kentucky high school students in grades 9, 10, and 11 are eligible to apply. Many area colleges offer scholarships for GSE attendees. If you would like to learn more, you can register for a virtual information session at THIS LINK.
END-OF-YEAR FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN: We are halfway through our end-of-year fundraising campaign and would greatly appreciate your support as a donor and advocate. These fundraising efforts are so important, not only as they provide vital support for student programs but also help offset the cost of tuition for families. Please consider making a donation and sharing our giving site to help us reach our fundraising goal by December 31. For more info, contact ABBY MARTIN.
ROCKET SPECTACULAR BENEFIT DINNER AND AUCTION 2025: Saturday, February 1, 2025. Please mark your calendar–you won’t want to miss it! This event will SELL OUT. This year’s theme is “Platinum Jubilee,” and plans are underway! DONATIONS NEEDED: We need your help with donations toward our silent and live auctions and the bourbon pull. For more information on how to help support the event, call Tricia Ferree at (502)271-2519 by January 17. *EXCITING NEWS: Don’t miss out on our new Raffle: FLIGHT of PAPPY; a limited number of tickets will be sold. Enter to win @ one.bidpal.net/rs25.
CAMPUS STORE CHRISTMAS HOURS: The Assumption Campus Store is a great place to shop for your favorite Rocket! Stop by during our regular hours, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., or on the dates listed below. We also have an online store with shipping and local pickup available. Please note that all online Christmas orders must be placed by the following dates: Custom embroidery – December 9 & ship to home – December 18. All orders must be picked up by 1:00 p.m. on December 21. Additional Christmas holiday hours will be:
- Saturday, December 14, 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (Placement Test/holiday hours)
- Tuesday, December 17, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (holiday hours)
- Saturday, December 21, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (holiday hours)
- Note: The store will close at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, December 20.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Assumption High School seeks an Accounting Manager to join our dedicated team. This is a full-time 12-month position responsible for varying accounting functions, including accounts receivable. Bachelor’s degree and/or three (3) years’ experience in finance or accounting with proficiency in Microsoft Office products including Excel required. To Apply: Please email resume, cover letter, and three professional references to mary.lang@ahsrockets.org. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Assumption High School offers a competitive salary plus benefits including a 50% tuition discount for employees’ daughters.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA): The 2025-26 FAFSA is available. By filling out the FAFSA, eligibility will be determined for college grants, work-study programs, federal student loans, and certain state-based aid. While many families don’t think they will qualify for any help, filling out the FAFSA is the only way to find out. In the meantime, students and parent(s) must complete the process for a StudentAid.gov account. Students and parents are encouraged to create an account at least two weeks prior to completing the FAFSA. To create an account, the individual will need his/her Social Security number and a mobile phone number and/or email address. Students, do not use your Assumption email for this process.
- Tips for Preparing To Fill Out the FAFSA Form
- Top Frequently Asked Questions
- 2025-2026 FAFSA Completion Guide
- FAFSA Walkthrough Video
- 2025-2026 FAFSA

ACTS PANTS REMINDER: This is a reminder that all sophomores will need uniform pants in order to participate in ACTS next semester. The first ACTS service day is Wednesday, January 22. They are black pants with an embroidered “A” and can be purchased at Shaheen’s. If your student does not have hers yet, please be sure to take care of this over Christmas break. If you have any questions, please reach out to katie.culver@ahsrockets.org.

Congratulations to this year’s CANstruction winners, which were based on the total amount of cans and money donated. The family in first place and the winner of 500 family points AND a Christmas PJ day on the last day of exams is… Limerick! Second place and the winners of 400 family points goes to… Kingstown, and the 3rd place winner with a prize of 300 points goes to… Cork! We also met our school-wide goal and students get to wear spirit wear on exam days next week! Assumption not only collected many cans and money donations that will provide meals to people in the Louisville area who don’t have enough food to live healthy lives, but also made over 200 Christmas cards that children at the Kids’ Cafe will enjoy and 35 beautiful murals to distribute to those elderly living in nursing homes. We are so proud of ALL of our students and their participation in our CANstruction day!

Congratulations to:
- The Archery team for winning their first tournament of the season at St. Margaret Mary! Sophomore Kate Jarboe came in fifth place overall with a score of 282. Eleven archers shot their personal best score.
- The Freshman and JV Basketball teams for beating Sacred Heart and the Varsity Basketball team for opening the season with wins over Frederick Douglass and Bardstown. The JV and Varsity Basketball teams for defeating Mercy.
Next Week:
Friday, December 13
- Varsity Basketball @ Brown 5:30 p.m.
- Cheer State @ George Rogers Clark HS 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, December 14
- Archery @ St. Aloysius Christmas Tournament
- Varsity Basketball vs Montgomery County 6:30 p.m.
Sunday, December 15
- Dance State @ George Rogers Clark HS 3:10 p.m. (Hip Hop), 7:37 p.m. (Jazz)
Tuesday, December 17
- Varsity Basketball vs Collegiate 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, December 18
- Freshman Basketball @ Mercy 5:00 p.m.
- Freshman Basketball vs Spencer County @ Mercy 6:00 p.m.
Friday, December 20
- Swim and Dive @ Girls Night Out @ University of Louisville 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, December 21
- Varsity Basketball vs Connor @ Highlands 1:00 p.m.