November 22, 2024
Michelle Farmer, Executive Director of Advancement
On Monday, we were thrilled to welcome back over 60 AHS alumnae for our annual Career Day! We are so thankful for our alumnae and their dedication to our mission and for taking time away from their workday to spend time with our students. It was an excellent opportunity for students to learn from women who were once students at AHS, but it was also a wonderful opportunity for our alums to come “home” and perhaps influence or introduce our current students to future ideas.
Students in all grade levels engaged in activities to help them think about careers and college. Freshmen had the opportunity to assess their strengths using a skill inventory to explore careers that match their interests. They also heard from two alumnae from Bellarmine University’s Career Development Center about how the habits they develop in high school and their academic progress have an impact on their future career pursuits. Sophomores and juniors had the opportunity to visit with our alumnae and learn information from over 40 career fields, including engineering, finance, healthcare, aviation engineering, government law and services, and many more from alumnae who specialize in those fields. Seniors had the opportunity to hear from recent Assumption alumnae about preparations for college and beyond. What made this day special is that our students had the opportunity to ask questions, hear perspectives, and gain insight from women who once sat in their seats at Assumption.
There always seems to be excitement after Career Day with students sharing what they learned with faculty and staff and hopefully you, their parents and guardians heard about their experience. We know our students will excel in their futures and hope that by giving them a chance to explore ideas early while at Assumption, we will help guide them as they prepare for their next chapter.
Last night the Rockets became the Champions of the inaugural Flag Football League! A little snow and cold couldn’t stop this team from greatness. Congratulations to the players and coaches for blazing the trail of a new sport and securing this historic win! Read more about their win here.
THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION: The Community of Assumption will come together in prayer and celebration on Tuesday, November 26, in the AHS gym for our annual Thanksgiving assembly. We will focus on gratitude towards “unsung heroes.”
THANKSGIVING LUNCH: On Tuesday, November 26, FLIK will serve a traditional Thanksgiving lunch both as a fixed price meal and a la carte. The lunch menu will be dinner plate of sliced turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, dressing, green beans, roasted sweet potatoes, roasted carrots, cranberry sauce, and a dinner roll. The dinner plate price is $8.50, and the a la carte prices are $5.00 for turkey and $1.50 per side and $1 per roll. Pumpkin pie will also be offered. In addition, several but limited options will be offered through our deli, pasta, and grab-and-go bars for those students who prefer something other than the Thanksgiving lunch menu.
THANKSGIVING HOLIDAYS: Assumption will close for Thanksgiving break from Wednesday, November 27 – Friday, November 29.
ASSUMPTION PARENT PRAYER: Our parent prayer group will NOT meet next week due to the Thanksgiving holidays. We will meet for the last time this semester on December 3 from 8:30–9:00 a.m. in the AHS chapel and will continue to meet each Tuesday morning beginning again on January 7, 2025. Please park in any open space and enter the school through the main entrance. During the year, we pray for every student by name twice. On December 3, we will be praying for the GALWAY family juniors and seniors. Please join us for any or all of these opportunities.
PRAYER INTENTIONS: All Assumption parents and alumnae are invited to share prayer intentions. Periodically, we will include the line of “prayer intentions posted online by AHS parents and alumnae” as part of our morning prayer over the P.A. Likewise, feel free to include the intentions you find there in your own personal prayer. To participate, please follow this link.
Freshmen interested in hearing more about running for elected student leadership positions are required to attend one of four offered mandatory interest meetings on Monday and Tuesday of next week. Students can sign up via RTI Scheduler for the meetings held on Monday, November during RTI time. If they are unable to attend on Monday, students will have the option to attend a final interest session on Tuesday after school. While elected student leaders are an integral part of developing the community of Assumption, it is not the only way for students to be involved in leadership on our campus. It is not too late for any grade-level student to join many of our clubs and organizations that develop our students into solid current and future leaders. Please encourage your daughter to visit the Assumption Digital Club Catalog to see the myriad ways our students are involved here at Assumption and connect with the club moderators about any upcoming meetings.
CANSTRUCTION: Canstruction is beginning! Canstruction is one of the biggest service events in our Assumption community. This event provides the opportunity to donate to Dare to Care by bringing in canned goods for those facing food insecurity in our Louisville community. An Assumption tradition since 2006, Canstruction not only provides food for the community at large but also provides a unique opportunity for Assumption family bonding. Each family collects cans in their homerooms throughout the rest of the month of November in order to come together to can-struct a visual made of those cans during our Canstruction event. Canstruction will be held on Monday, December 9, so that will be the last collection day, but we will collect cans each day until then. We are looking forward to having the Assumption community help the Louisville community through our partnership with Dare to Care!
- Parent Volunteers Needed: We are need of parent volunteers to help with packing/lifting boxes on Monday, December 9 from 11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Please sign up through this link, if interested: CANSTRUCTION PARENT VOLUNTEER SIGN UP
FINANCIAL AID FORM: The financial aid link for the 2025-2026 school year has been added to the school’s website. The due date is January 31, 2025, and the form must be submitted online to FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment. FINANCIAL AID APPLICATION LINK. As a reminder, you are required to file every year to be considered for assistance.
YOUTH RISK BEHAVIOR SURVEY: Assumption is taking part in the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Students will take this survey during homeroom time starting in December. This survey is sponsored by the CDC. The Youth Risk Behavior Survey will ask about the health behaviors of ninth- through twelfth-grade students and include questions about nutrition, physical activity, injuries, tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use. The survey will also ask about sexual behaviors. Students will be asked to fill out a survey online, which will take about 15-20 minutes during their designated homeroom time. All responses to this survey are 100% anonymous, and the survey has been designed to protect your child’s privacy. Students will not put their names anywhere on the survey. The results of our survey are used exclusively for in-house programming and aggregate data useful in planning curriculum to meet the needs of our current students. No action will be taken if your child does not take the survey. Students may skip any questions they do not wish to answer. In addition, students may stop taking the survey at any point. If you would like to see the survey, a copy is available at the following CDC link: 2024 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. If you have any questions about the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, please feel free to contact your daughter’s counselor for further information.
AP EXAMS: If your daughter is taking an AP course this year, she has been busy signing up for AP college exams and AP portfolio submissions. These AP courses will be administered the first few weeks of May at Assumption High School. AP exam and AP portfolio submission invoices will be sent to parents via email from Blackbaud Tuition Management in January. If you paid your tuition in full in July, please also be on the lookout for this email as you will need to make this payment. Please take a moment to talk with your daughter about the exams she is registered to take. Exams and art portfolio submissions are $99 each except for AP Research and AP Seminar which are $147 each. For more information about AP exams and CollegeBoard, visit https://parents.collegeboard.org/college-board-programs/advanced-placement-program. Please contact Judy.Fieldhouse@ahsrockets.org or Kathy.Fleischer@ahsrockets.org if you have any questions.
DUAL CREDIT TUITION DUE TO WKU, JCTC, AND UL: Students enrolled in a dual credit class this semester need to make sure they pay any tuition owed by the beginning of December. Students should log into their accounts on www.KHEAA.com to double check which colleges they chose for disbursement for the Dual Credit Scholarship and then need to log into their JCTC, WKU, and/or UL account to pay any remaining tuition due for this semester. This includes all first semester and yearlong DC courses except for Precalculus and Calculus, which will register for credit in November. If you need help knowing which course is associated with which university, consult this sheet from our website: DUAL CREDIT INFORMATION 2024-2025. If you have any questions, contact JUDY FIELDHOUSE.
CAMPUS STORE CHRISTMAS HOURS: The Assumption Campus Store is a great place to shop for your favorite Rocket! Stop by during our regular hours, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., or on the dates listed below. We also have an online store with shipping and local pickup available. Please note that all online Christmas orders must be placed by the following dates: Custom embroidery – December 9 & ship to home – December 18. All orders must be picked up by 1:00 p.m. on December 21. Additional Christmas holiday hours will be:
- Tuesday, December 10, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (holiday hours)
- Saturday, December 14, 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (Placement Test/holiday hours)
- Tuesday, December 17, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (holiday hours)
- Saturday, December 21, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (holiday hours)
- Note: The store will close at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, December 20.
AHS IN FOCUS – Prospective Student Night: Sixth, seventh, and eighth graders are invited to join us on Wednesday, December 4 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. for AHS in Focus where future Rockets will attend two 30-minute special interest sessions followed by a Christmas-themed social for everyone to enjoy some AHS holiday fun. They may learn more about the interest sessions and register here. Please share with any prospective students you may know!
CLASS OF 2025 INFORMATION CONFIRMATION MAILING: Parents of the Class of 2025: This week a hard copy memo was sent to your daughter via homeroom. It contained a form asking for confirmation of the spelling/accuracy of your daughter’s name for official graduation documents and programs. It is due in the school office by Thursday, December 4. Even if no changes need to be made, please make sure to return a signed copy to the main office by Thursday, December 4.
SENIOR YEARBOOK TRIBUTES: Over the years, senior parents have developed a tradition of supporting certain activities important to their graduating daughters at Assumption. One of these is helping to underwrite the cost of printing the yearbook by purchasing “Senior Tributes” that contain a message of congratulations and your favorite photos of your graduate. “Senior Tributes” can be a great way to document and celebrate your daughter’s time as an Assumption Rocket. If you are interested in purchasing a “Senior Tribute,” you will find size, pricing information, instructions, and a contract here: 2025 Senior Ad Letter and Contract. The deadline to submit tribute contracts is Tuesday, November 26. Please feel free to reach out to Melissa Fette, yearbook adviser, at melissa.fette@ahsrockets.org with any questions. Thank you for your support of the Assumption Rosecast!
Sophomores Kate Jarboe and Molly Keiran for being selected to attend the Hugh O’Brian Youth (HOBY) Leadership Conference next summer!
The Student Y Chapter for great success at KYA (Kentucky Youth Assembly) last week! The chapter earned the most Student Y points of all schools at the conference through their work aligned with the Y’s three pillars. Additional congrats to the following members for their work at the assembly:
- Kate Sketo & Anna Fahey for their bill on furthering care of domestic abuse victims which was passed by the Bluegrass House & Senate, earning Outstanding Bluegrass Bill
- Kacee Sanchez & Heydi Castro-Gomez for their bill on expanding the unlawful provision of handguns to juveniles which was passed by the Commonwealth House & Senate and signed by the Governor
- Meredith Blair & Elizabeth Buttes who were chosen as chair pro tempore
- Eleanor Keith & Katie Jarboe as doorkeepers
- Khloe Rynes as Assistant Editor
- Molli Currens as a Cabinet Secretary
- Kate Lucas as Registrar
- Elise Crump for her work as a Candidate for Presiding Officer
- Eleanor Keith chosen as Outstanding Delegate
- Emma Reck as Media Delegate & elected Editor-in-Chief for KYA 2025
The Speech and Debate Team for outstanding results on Saturday at the Dunbar Tournament in Lexington! The team received the sixth-place sweepstakes award in speech, the third-place sweepstakes award in debate, and came in second place overall! MANY team members won individual awards in their events including Lily Barker, Meredith Blair, Agnes Boyer, Kate Jarboe, Breigh McFadden, Nikita Nair, and Brinkley Todd!
Members of the 2023-2024 Yearbook Staff for their recognition in the 2024 Best of Kentucky Awards given by the Kentucky Journalism Teacher Association (KYJTA):
- Kelly Marcum ’24: Super Recognition on her Varsity Volleyball spread
- Lilly Lane ’24: Excellent Recognition on her Walk of Fame spread
- Charlotte Leis ’24: Excellent Recognition on her Field Hockey photo portfolio and Honorable Mention on her Opening Spread
- Leah Clark ’24: Honorable Mention on her Freshman Sleepover/Movie Night spread and Honorable Mention on her Mamma Mia! photo portfolio
- Kaylee Vander Velden ’25: Honorable Mention on her Lip Dub spread
- Gabby Randall ’24: Honorable Mention on her Cross Country Spread
- Noraa Deglow ’25: Honorable Mention on her Swim Team spread
Congratulations to:
- The Cheer team for winning Regionals in the All-Girls Medium division!
- The Dance team for winning Regionals in both the Hip-Hop and Jazz division!
- The Flag Football team for winning the inaugural Louisville Flag Football League Championship. The Rockets knocked off Sacred Heart, Eastern, and Central in the playoffs on their way to the league’s first ever title!
Next Week:
Saturday, November 23
- Cheer UCA Bluegrass Regional in Lexington, KY