September 20, 2024

On Sunday, we were excited to celebrate the academic achievement of students at our annual Academic Awards Celebration. We honored the academic accomplishments of the following groups of students – sophomores, juniors, and seniors who earned a 4.0 GPA during the 2023-2024 school year; newly inducted Beta Club members; newly inducted National Honor Society members; freshman McAuley Scholars and newly inducted McAuley Scholars; and seniors recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. We applaud all our honorees listed in the awards program linked here: ACADEMIC AWARDS CELEBRATION PROGRAM!
We are thrilled to officially announce that senior Ali Gates has been recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation as a National Merit Semifinalist. This means that Ali was in the top 1% of the 1.6 million students who took the PSAT last fall. We are also excited to announce that seniors Maddie McNary and Sophie Renda have been named National Merit Commended students for their excellent scores on the PSAT as well. We are so proud of the academic achievements of our students!

We have been busy registering our Dual Credit students for their courses for the fall. We partner with the University of Louisville, Jefferson Community College, and Western Kentucky University to offer 15 courses. For the fall semester of this school year, we have 279 students taking 450 classes. Additionally, students have been busy coming to RTI sessions to register for Dual Credit Scholarships through KHEAA. These funds will pay for up to FOUR courses, both junior and senior year, for our students. Last year our students earned over $99,000 in Dual Credit Scholarships and over $51,000 in Work Ready Scholarships to pay for these courses. Please ask your daughter this weekend to show you her KHEAA account. Many students are earning 9–12 college credit hours with some earning as many as 20 hours this year at no additional cost to their families!

12:30 DISMISSAL DAY ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26: On Thursday, September 26, we will follow a 12:30 dismissal schedule so that our faculty and staff can participate in faculty/staff meetings. After-school supervision will not be provided. Please make plans for your daughter to be picked up by 12:45.
WALK FOR ASSUMPTION: The Walk for Assumption will be held on Friday, September 27. Arrival time for the Walk is 9:15 a.m., and we will dismiss at 11:45 a.m. The building will not open until 8:15 a.m., and after-school supervision will not be provided on this day. Please make arrangements for your daughter to be dropped off after 8:15 a.m. and picked up by no later than 12:00 p.m. PLEASE NOTE: September 27 will count as a full day of school for students, and they are expected to be in attendance. If your daughter is ill on the day of the Walk and unable to come to school, please call the attendance office prior to 9:15 a.m. to report her absence. Students who do not want to participate in the Walk for whatever reason and/or do not meet the participation requirements (see Walk information below) must still come to school for an alternate activity. Students who meet the Walk participation requirements but who cannot physically participate in the Walk due to a health condition need to come to school and participate in special non-walking activities designed specifically to allow them to still be actively involved in the Walk and all the fun that comes with it.

MERCY DAY CELEBRATION ASSEMBLY: Mercy is a special day for the Community of Assumption. It marks the anniversary of the day that Catherine McAuley opened the first House of Mercy in Dublin, Ireland. Catherine went on to found the Sisters of Mercy who sponsor our school. We will be celebrating with a special assembly on Monday, September 23 at 10:50 a.m. in the AHS gym. We’ll honor not only the legacy of the Sisters of Mercy but also the many ways our community is living out the Mercy charism in our daily lives.
ASSUMPTION PARENT PRAYER: Our parent prayer group will NOT meet on Tuesday, September 24. St. X will host an All- School Parent Prayer Group on September 27 in honor of the St. X/Trinity football game. The service will begin at 9:00 a.m. at St. Xavier High School. Enter St. X at the traffic light, park in the first parking lot on your left, and enter the school at Ryken Hall. Please bring a photo ID and arrive a few minutes early to sign in. There will be a coffee reception after the prayer service.
PRAYER INTENTIONS: All Assumption parents and alumnae are invited to share prayer intentions. Periodically, we will include the line of “prayer intentions posted online by AHS parents and alumnae” as part of our morning prayer over the P.A. Likewise, feel free to include the intentions you find there in your own personal prayer. To participate, please follow this link.
FAITH OPPORTUNITIES DURING RTI: Students had several faith-development opportunities during RTI Time this past week. These included a session to learn about four different types of prayer, an opportunity to pray the rosary as well as make one, and Encounter faith-sharing discussions. We hope to offer a short Mass and confessions again next week as well as a session on advocating for justice priorities of the Sisters of Mercy.

Next week our Community time is devoted to celebrating our Mission: Faith Guides, Compassion Inspires, Excellence Empowers and Integrity Matters.
Monday, September 23 we will come together for our annual Mercy Day celebration. In this assembly, our students will hear about those in our alumni community who are currently living Mercy in their everyday lives. We will also honor those in our current school community who uphold the values of the Sisters of Mercy in their everyday interactions with others. We will award those “Models of Mercy” in our sophomore, junior, and senior classes as well as among faculty and staff while encouraging our freshmen to live Mercy every day by considering these role models.
On Friday, September 27 we will come together for our 41st annual Walk for Assumption. Students will celebrate the results of their Rocket Raffle ticket sales and come together as a community to support their efforts. Students will dress in their class color (freshmen-green, sophomores-blue, juniors-yellow and seniors-pink), dress according to the theme: Walking on a Dream, or dress in any costume that they can comfortably walk in throughout the Highlands neighborhood. We will be on an adjusted schedule starting at 9:15 a.m. and dismissing by noon.

WALK FOR ASSUMPTION: On Friday, September 27, we will hold our annual Walk for Assumption, an event to which our students make contributions to benefit the financial needs of our students. This year’s theme chosen by the students is “Walking on a Dream.” In order to participate in the Walk for Assumption, students must sell a minimum of four Rocket Raffle tickets and turn in a signed Walk permission form. Tickets cost $25 each, and the purchaser is entered into a drawing for $20,000, which will take place at our Rocket Spectacular on Saturday, February 1, 2025. If the school reaches our goal of 5,000 tickets sold, not only will we have an amazing Walk for Assumption, but students will earn the day off from school on Friday, March 29, 2025, the Friday before spring break! We have many more fun incentives that will come home today, along with their Rocket Raffle tickets and Walk permission form. We are encouraging the girls to reach out not only to their parents but to other people in their lives who would like the opportunity to support her and the Community of Assumption through the Walk and the Rocket Raffle. We hope that over the next week, you will help your daughter brainstorm ways that she can sell her tickets to help benefit the financial needs of our students and to make the Walk a success! Here is the link that can be shared with your family and friends https://www.ahsrockets.org/rocket-raffle/
Collections of the students’ contributions will take place at lunches the weeks of Monday, September 16, and Monday, September 23. The deadline for collection is Wednesday, September 25 at 12:20 p.m., the last lunch. If you have any questions, please contact Tricia Ferree in Advancement at tricia.ferree@ahsrockets.org.
PRE-WALK MOVIE NIGHT: On Thursday, September 26, the sophomore, junior, and senior class officers are hosting a joint outdoor pre-Walk movie night at Highland Hall for the Classes of 2025, 2026, and 2027. All sophomores, juniors, and seniors may begin arriving at 7:30 p.m. for the movie, which will begin at 8:00 p.m. Parking will be available at Highland Hall, at Strathmoor, and at St. Raphael. There is no cost for the event. Students may bring chairs or blankets to sit on, and their own food and drink. Coolers are not allowed. This event is for Assumption students only, and students must bring their student IDs. The movie will be over at 10:00 p.m. Students may leave before the movie concludes, but once they leave the event, there will be no re-entry. We hope all sophomores, juniors, and seniors will join us for this fun pre-Walk event! Please contact STACY JOHNSON, LINDSEY PEETZ, or NICK ROGERS if you have any questions about the event.
NEWS FROM THE ACHIEVEMENT CENTER: Next week the AC is offering special help with upcoming English essays for freshmen and sophomores. Please encourage your daughter to have their essay reviewed by an English teacher before turning in the assignment. Additionally, the AC is hosting peer tutor RTI sessions for the upcoming Biology project due in early October. Students will receive a weekly email on Fridays from Mrs. Conway to learn more about these opportunities.
YEARBOOK PHOTO SELECTION AND ORDER: Links to your daughter’s school picture have been texted and emailed. ALL STUDENTS need to go into their gallery to select their yearbook photo by Tuesday, October 1. If a photo is not selected, we will select one for you! There is a photo makeup day on Tuesday, October 22 for any student who did not have her photo taken yet or needs a retake. If your daughter plans to have a retake taken, please have her fill out this form. Retouching is available for photos. For any questions about school photos, please contact our photographer, Michelle Haas Hutchins ’04 at info@mhaasphoto.com for questions.
PARENT SUPERVISION VOLUNTEERS: As noted in our recent special message, this year, we have implemented a slightly altered daily schedule that incorporates a new Rockets Taking Initiative (RTI) period from 10:50 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. During this time when students are not meeting with a teacher or in an enrichment session, they each have an RTI Family room homebase for quiet independent work. These rooms are supervised by a team of teachers/staff members. Parent volunteers are needed to serve as substitutes for our RTI Family room supervisors when teachers are out of the building to go on retreat, to attend professional development, or for other personal/professional reasons. Whether you can volunteer once this school year or multiple times, we would love to have parents join us in supporting this important work. Please note: All volunteers working with students are required to attend the Safe Environment Training provided by the Archdiocese of Louisville and to complete a background check with the archdiocese. If you have never attended this workshop and are interested in volunteering, see the schedule of trainings here: Archdiocese of Louisville Safe Environment Training. You can also click HERE for a link to the background check form to complete. If interested in volunteering, please complete this PARENT SUPERVISION VOLUNTEER QUESTIONNAIRE. If you have questions, please email Tatum Park. Completed background check forms may also be emailed to Mrs. Park as well.
- Greek Isle Cruise Spring Break 2026: We are, once again, offering a trip to Greece for a weeklong Greek Isle Cruise during Spring Break 2026. All current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors and their parents/sisters are eligible to travel. This trip is PRICED RIGHT, and the cost is all-inclusive. Additionally, our tour company is offering an early-registration discount. We will have an informational meeting for interested students and parents on Monday, September 23 at 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. Want to find out more about this incredible opportunity? Contact Dr. Lisa Wieland at lisa.wieland@ahsrockets.org.
ONLINE CAMPUS STORE: Does your favorite Rocket need some updated AHS merch? Check out the online Campus Store, and be sure to click “Email me with news and offers” when checking out to stay up to date with new apparel, sales, store information, and more!
ROCKET NIGHT: Join us for the LAST LUAU on Wednesday, August 25 to celebrate past and future Rockets at our Volleyball Rocket Night. Watch the Rockets take on St. Henry with freshman at 5:30, JV at 6:30, and Varsity at 7:30 p.m. The first 150 alumnae and future Rockets will receive a FREE t-shirt! Enter through the main entrance for your shirt and free admission.

ARISE SERVICE TRIPS: ARISE service trips are offered to seniors and take place during Mission Week. Seniors who join an ARISE team will learn about and participate in service, prayer, community, and simplicity. We hope to offer a direct service trip where students can serve in traditional capacities such as building projects and working in food pantries. The number of students will determine the location for this trip. We would also like to offer an advocacy service trip. This group of students will travel to Washington, DC to learn about one of the Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy. Then they will plan to visit the Capitol to meet with our lawmakers about this issue. In the past, seniors have said that their mission trips are some of the most amazing and profound experiences they had during their time at AHS. If your student is considering participating in an ARISE trip, please encourage her to commit to joining us. We will have an additional meeting on Wednesday, September 25 during RTI for all students who would like to have more details and to receive a commitment form. I hope you will support and encourage your student to consider this wonderful opportunity. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Katie Culver (Katie.culver@ahsrockets.org)
TESTING DAY FOR SENIORS: Since seniors are not involved in taking standardized tests on Testing Day, Thursday, October 10, they are excused from coming to school on this day. We strongly encourage seniors to use this day for making college visits. Since Friday of that week and Monday and Tuesday of the following week are Fall Break days, this is a great opportunity to make a visit to an out-of-town college.

ACTS PARENT SURVEY: This week an email was sent to all parents and guardians of sophomores regarding the sophomore ACTS service program. Included in this email was a link to a form that asks for your insights about your student’s strengths and interests to help match her with an ACTS agency that will be a good fit. The survey also asks for information regarding your student’s immunizations so that we can make appropriate agency assignments. We ask that you complete this form by September 30. In addition to this form, there is other important information in the letter, including information about the ACTS uniform pants and service dates. If you have any questions, please contact Katie Culver (katie.culver@ahsrockets.org)

FRESHMAN WALK SLEEPOVER & WALK COLLECTIONS/PERMISSION FORMS: Today freshmen received detailed information about participating in our traditional Freshman Pre-Walk Sleepover. On Thursday, September 26, freshmen are invited to a Walk Sleepover in the gym. The cost of the Walk Sleepover is $5. In order to participate, freshmen need to turn in their Walk permission slip, sleepover permission slip, a minimum of four Rocket Raffle tickets, and $5. The two signed permission slips, tickets, and $5 are due by the end of lunches on Wednesday, September 25. All freshmen are asked to turn in both permission slips even if a freshman is not planning to attend the sleepover. Freshmen should arrive for the sleepover between 7:00-7:30 p.m. and enter through the doors at the gym lobby. Please contact AMY CUNDIFF or THERESA SCHUHMANN if you have any questions about the Freshman Walk Sleepover. Pick up time on Friday, September 27 will be between 11:45 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.
FRESHMAN SERVICE PROJECT: During freshman theology classes, our students will be participating in their annual freshman service project. Every year our students make Halloween treat bags for the children who are served by St. Joseph Children’s Home and Home of the Innocents. More details will be coming home with your student from her theology teacher. Essentially, we are asking that each student bring a $5 donation (if possible) to their theology teacher by September 25 or September 26 so that we can purchase all the supplies needed for this project. We appreciate your support!

The Assumption Quick Recall teams had their first games of the year yesterday. In a stunning blowout, our Varsity team won a huge victory against Providence High School. Shout out to top scorers Elise Crump, Ellie Hertel, Nikita Nair, and Maureen Lally who gained multiple points for the team. Sophie Renda and Lily Barker also added points to the board.
While our JV team attended a scrimmage game against St. Xavier, we are proud to say they were just as victorious with a “come from behind” win! Captains Maria Brasler and Kate Jarboe were both top scorers for the game followed by freshman Catie Schuhmann. Lily Combs and Avery Schuhmann also helped to add points the scoreboard. Way to go Rocket Quick Recall team! Good luck next week as you play Collegiate High School.

Please join us at The Assumption Green for field hockey and soccer games, at the gym for our volleyball home games, and at the courses for our cross country meets and golf matches. All of our athletic team schedules can be found on the Athletics page of our website: ATHLETICS.
Ticket to all home games can be purchased at the door for $8, cash or credit card.
Congratulations to:
- The Varsity Field Hockey team for beating Sacred Heart in the Mug Game by a score of 3-2
- The Golf team for qualifying for the Top-15 All-State Tournament and finishing tenth.
- The Varsity Volleyball team for beating St. Thomas Aquinas and picking up wins against Beechwood, Notre Dame (OH), Manual, and Mother McAuley (IL) in the LIVT
- The Varsity Soccer team for wins over Providence and Notre Dame
Next Week:
September 20- 21
- Varsity Volleyball @ Durango Classic in Las Vegas, NV
Friday, September 20
- Varsity Field Hockey vs Warwick (PA) @ Max FH in Conshohocken, PA 3:00 p.m.
- Varsity Field Hockey vs Kingsway Regional (NJ) @ Max FH in Conshohocken, PA 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, September 21
- Varsity Field Hockey vs Bryn Mawr (MD) @ Max FH in Conshohocken, PA 9:00 a.m.
- Cross Country @ Trinity Invitational @ Tom Sawyer Park 9:00 a.m.
- Freshman Volleyball @ Freshman LIVT @ KIVA
Sunday, September 22
- Soccer @ Sacred Heart. JV 4:30 p.m., Varsity 6:00 p.m.
Monday, September 23
- Freshmen Field Hockey vs Manual @ Ballard 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, September 24
- Golf Regional Tournament @ Weissinger Hills GC
Wednesday, September 25
- Cross Country St. X JV Meet #2 @ Champions Park 4:30 p.m.
- Volleyball vs St. Henry. Freshmen 5:30pm, JV 6:30pm, Varsity 7:30 p.m. **Rocket Night**
Thursday, September 26
- Soccer vs Central Hardin. JV 6:00 p.m., Varsity 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, September 28
- Soccer @ Lexington Catholic. JV 9:00 a.m., Varsity 10:30 a.m.
- Field Hockey vs Christian Academy. Freshmen 9:00a.m., JV 10:15 a.m., Varsity 11:30 a.m.
- Cross Country @ Palatine Invitational in Chicago, IL 9:00 a.m.
Sunday, September 29
- Volleyball vs Sacred Heart. Freshmen 3:00 p.m., JV 4:00 p.m., Varsity 5:00 p.m.