September 6, 2024

Kelsey Gunter, Manager of Marketing and Admissions
Each day I have the privilege to work alongside your daughters and share the Community of Assumption with prospective parents and students. During the month of September, a large part of my role is visiting Catholic grade schools within the Archdiocese of Louisville to speak with seventh- and eighth-grade students about the opportunities at Assumption. While I may facilitate the grade school visits, it is your daughters and Assumption students that make the magic of Assumption come to life for Future Rockets. Getting the opportunity to speak to these girls at their school can often spark an interest in Assumption, which may not have even been a consideration before. My goal of these visits is to get them on our campus, whether that be through shadowing, Open House, or the various other recruitment events.
With nearly 800 seventh- and eighth-grade students shadowing at Assumption each school year, it is our biggest recruitment tool and the best way for prospective students to experience what it is really like to be a member of the Community of Assumption. As shadowing officially begins on Tuesday, September 10, I invite our parents and guardians to share your Assumption knowledge with Future Rocket families in your life. You are our most influential ambassadors for the Assumption experience, and we ask that you encourage prospective students to schedule a shadow visit at Assumption High School or attend any of Future Rocket events on their journey to high school.
If you are unfamiliar with the shadow process or can’t remember how it works, eighth-grade students may shadow now, leading up to the High School Placement Test in December. Seventh-grade students may shadow starting in January. Prospective students can sign up for a shadow visit almost any date that school is in session by completing the shadow request form or by contacting the Marketing and Admissions team at 502-271-2514.
Lastly, if your daughter came to Assumption from a public or private school, the Marketing and Admissions team would love to find more ways to connect with Future Rockets who are outside of the Archdiocese of Louisville. Beyond your word of mouth, if you have ideas for better ways to reach these families or ways you wish you could have connected with Assumption, please let us know your thoughts by emailing Kelsey.Gunter@ahsrockets.org.

A Breath of Fresh Air
Did you know that every student has the opportunity to go outside to get some fresh air? During study each day, weather permitting, seniors have the choice to work outside in the courtyard during their study block. Seniors also can eat lunch in the courtyard. In addition, freshmen, sophomores, and juniors may use the picnic tables outside the main entrance along side of the cafeteria to eat during lunch. Supervision is provided by staff members outside to ensure students are safe and return to class on time. This allows every student to get outside and get some sunshine and fresh air during the day!

FRESHMAN PARENT MASS: This Mass is a beautiful way to celebrate your freshman daughter’s high school journey as part of a community of faith. It will be celebrated on Sunday, September 8 at 2:00 p.m. at St. Raphael Catholic Church. Please come even if your family isn’t Catholic. We’ll have worship aids and response cards to help you participate. Siblings are invited as well – bring the whole family!
MANDATORY FRESHMAN GUIDANCE PROGRAM: Freshman parents, the last opportunity to attend a mandatory Freshman Parent Drug/Alcohol Education Programs is Monday, September 9 at 6:30 p.m. in the Media Center. You do not need to pre-register; just come on the night most convenient for your schedule. This is an important program designed to familiarize you with the school philosophy and policies in drug and alcohol prevention. We know that what parents say and do makes a difference in the choices their daughters make. At this meeting, you will hear from Kamaria Wesley, dean of students, and a local therapist from Innerview who will present vital information about drug and alcohol prevention. It is a program that will be worth your time and attention. At least one parent or guardian is required to attend one of these meetings.

ASSUMPTION PARENT PRAYER: Our parent prayer group will meet on September 10 from 8:15-8:45 a.m. in the AHS chapel. Please park in any open space and enter the school through the main entrance. We will be praying for the Booterstown family freshmen and sophomores. Please join us for any or all of these opportunities!
GRANDPARENTS DAY: This holiday is celebrated nationally each year on the first Sunday after Labor Day, but at Assumption, we celebrate it in a special way in October. Please invite all grandparents – and the whole family – to mark their calendars for Assumption’s Grandparents Mass on Sunday, October 20 at 2:00 p.m. at St. Raphael Church.
PRAYER INTENTIONS: All Assumption parents and alumnae are invited to share prayer intentions. Periodically, we will include the line of “prayer intentions posted online by AHS parents and alumnae” as part of our morning prayer over the P.A. Likewise, feel free to include the intentions you find there in your own personal prayer. To participate, please follow this link.
CAMPUS MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES DURING RTI TIME: Campus Ministry offers multiple opportunities during RTI Time for students to help them grow spiritually. This week, a prayer service and a faith-sharing opportunity called Encounter were offered on Wednesday. Next Wednesday on September 11, Fr. Michael Schulz will offer an optional Mass and will be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Soon, we’ll schedule a time for students not only to pray the rosary but also to make rosaries to be sent to missionaries around the world. We will continue to offer these and other enriching opportunities throughout the year.

We look forward to offering one of our most celebrated traditions next Friday during Community time: The Walk Kick-Off assembly. Students will gather to reveal our 2024 Walk for Assumption theme and kick off our season of Rocket Raffle Ticket sales for the next two weeks. The sale of these tickets not only work to earn prized incentives, but also the opportunity to Walk in our 41st Annual Walk for Assumption on Friday, September 27 and provide support for our student financial assistance program so that future Rockets have the opportunity to love the school we love. We can’t wait to share the theme with you next week and celebrate these efforts together!
FROM THE GUIDANCE & COUNSELING DEPARTMENT: September is National Suicide Prevention Month, and we wanted to let you know that students will have a suicide prevention program during Community time on Monday, September 16. Our focus for this program will be on destigmatizing mental health and providing students with a road map for resources and help. As you continue to dialogue with your daughter on the topics of mental health and suicide prevention, we wanted to provide you with some helpful resources:
- Mental health from a teen’s perspective: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BByqa7bhto&t=11s
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
- Crisis Text Line: https://www.crisistextline.org/text-us/
- Mental Health resources on our AHS website: https://www.ahsrockets.org/student-life/guidance/guidance-program-resources/
In addition to these resources, please contact your daughter’s school counselor if we can provide any support or assistance in mental health.

DRIVER’S ED: AHS and the Kentucky Driving School will be providing a driver’s education program September 16-20. Click here to learn more. There are still a few spots left!
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY: This week, sophomores and juniors received an email with information about applying to the National Honor Society. While applications won’t be available to sophomores and juniors until January, now is a great time to encourage your daughters to get involved in clubs. One of the requirements necessary for consideration is current involvement in three clubs. For more information about the criteria students must meet, view this link: NHS Requirements for 2024-2025. Questions? Contact Kimberly.Habich@ahsrockets.org
MONITOR AND MANAGE YOUR DAUGHTER’S HP ELITE LAPTOP: You should have received an email this week about apParent, a mobile app available to you at no cost so you can monitor and manage your daughter’s school-issued laptop after school hours. This app, if you want to install it, will allow you to view your daughter’s device screen, lock your daughter’s device with a custom message, and view 24 hours of your child’s web browsing history. Your daughter’s teachers can control their computers from 7:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. You can use the app outside of those hours on school days and all day on weekends and holidays.
FRESHMAN AND TRANSFER APPLIED DIGITAL LEARNING CLASS: A reminder to our parents/guardians of freshmen and transfers: Lessons for the Applied Digital Skills online technology course are sent on Tuesday and Thursday mornings with assignments due at the end of the following day. Mrs. Jill Elder met with all freshmen and transfers on Tuesday during RTI time to introduce the first lesson of this week and to answer any questions about the class. Please note: this class is a PASS/FAIL course with students needing to maintain an average above 70% to receive passing status. Please encourage your daughter to complete her assignments each week.
DUAL CREDIT COURSE REGISTRATION: Attention, parents of students enrolled in dual credit (DC) courses: If your daughter is enrolled in a DC course this semester, she has applied to the coordinating school and should have all of her accounts in order. Many students took advantage of RTI sessions this week to meet with Mrs. Fieldhouse to make sure everything was in order. She will also want to make sure she has logged into her KHEAA.com account to take advantage of the Dual Credit Scholarship, which pays for two classes for every student in the state of Kentucky for BOTH her junior and senior year. If the family does not sign up for the KHEAA account and request the scholarships, you will owe each university $95 PER CREDIT HOUR for all courses. If you have questions regarding registration or paying for dual credit courses, tell your daughter to sign up for an RTI session with Mrs. Fieldhouse next week on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
MEETING REMINDER: The Best of Ireland and England with AHS in 2025: There will a parent meeting on Wednesday, September 11 at 6:30 p.m. in room 140 or by Teams. If your daughter is interested in traveling with us, please Click here to RSVP. Please contact Stacy Johnson at stacy.johnson@ahsrockets.org for more information. May the Luck of the Irish be with you!

PSAT ON TESTING DAY: As presented at the junior parent orientation night, all juniors have the opportunity to take the PSAT on testing day, Thursday, October 10. The PSAT is the practice test for the SAT as well as the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program. If your junior is a McAuley Scholar, she should plan to take the test. The PSAT is optional for most juniors, but all students are encouraged to test as it will give them an additional test score to compare with their ACT performance and help them to determine which test they prefer (ACT or SAT). The PSAT is a digital test that students will take on their laptop computers, so it will be good preparation for other digital tests, including AP exams. It is a gateway test for scholarships offered by some organizations to the children of their employees. Please check with your employer to see if they offer scholarship opportunities through the PSAT/NMSQT program. A PSAT score may also be used in the admissions process for competitive summer programs such as GSP. Finally, taking the PSAT as a junior is the sole method for a student to be eligible to participate in the National Merit Scholarship Program and to earn recognition as a National Merit Finalist or Commended Student. If students choose to take a college visit instead of the PSAT, they will need to provide verification from the college/university in order for the day not to be counted as an absence. If they do not take the test nor complete a college visit, this day will be an unexcused absence. Please complete this survey to let us know the plans for your daughter on testing day: PSAT TESTING DAY SURVEY PLEASE RESPOND BY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20.

FRESHMAN SERVICE PROJECT: During freshman theology classes, our students will be participating in their annual freshman service project. Every year our students make Halloween treat bags for the children who are served by St. Joseph Children’s Home and Home of the Innocents. More details will be coming home with your student from her theology teacher. Essentially, we are asking that each student bring a $5 donation (if possible) to their theology teacher by September 25 or September 26 so that we can purchase all the supplies needed for this project. We appreciate your support!
ATHLETICS MEET & GREET: On Wednesday, September 18 we are hosting an Athletics Meet & Greet Night for seventh-, eighth-, and current ninth-grade families to meet coaches, players, and parents from all sports. This is a great evening to hear a little bit about our athletic department and make contact with coaches and sports your daughter might be interested in. Fill out this form to let us know you are coming!

Please join us at The Assumption Green for field hockey and soccer games, at the gym for our volleyball home games, and at the courses for our cross country meets and golf matches. All of our athletic team schedules can be found on the Athletics page of our website: ATHLETICS.
Ticket to all home games can be purchased at the door for $8, cash or credit card.
SOFTBALL OPEN FIELD: The first softball open field will be held at the Green on September 10 from 3:45-6:00 p.m. Students must have a physical on file to participate.
SWIM TEAM INTEREST MEETING: There will be a meeting for anyone interested in trying out for the swim team on September 10 at 7:30 a.m. The meeting will be held in the gym.
Congratulations to:
- The Varsity Volleyball team for defeating Sacred Heart and Providence.
- JV and Varsity Soccer for their wins over Mercy.
- The Freshman, JV, and Varsity Field Hockey teams for beating Manual.
Next Week:
Saturday, September 7
- Cross Country @ Rumble in the Jungle @ Creasey Mahan Preserve 8:30 a.m.
- Varsity Field Hockey @ Cox (VA) 9:00 a.m.
- Freshmen Field Hockey @ Ursuline (OH) 11:00 a.m.
- Freshmen Field Hockey @ Mount Notre Dame (OH) 1:30 p.m.
- Soccer @ Henry Clay. JV 12:00 pm, Varsity 1:30 p.m.
- Golf @ Marcus Camacho Tournament @ Eagle Creek GC 2:00 p.m.
- JV and Varsity Volleyball @ Avon Classic
Monday, September 9
- Freshmen Field Hockey vs Christian Academy @ Sacred Heart 5:30 p.m.
- JV Field Hockey vs North Oldham 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, September 10
- Volleyball vs Mercy. Freshman 5:00 p.m. , JV 6:00 p.m., Varsity 7:00 p.m.
- Varsity Soccer @ Lexington Catholic Knights Cup vs Paul Dunbar 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, September 11
- Cross Country @ St. X JV Meet #1 @ Champions Park 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, September 12
- Field Hockey @ Ballard. Freshman 5:00 p.m., JV 6:15 p.m., Varsity 7:30 p.m.
- Varsity Volleyball vs St. Thomas Aquinas (FL) 7:00 p.m.
Friday, September 13
- Field Hockey vs Glenbrook South (IL) 7:00 p.m.
September 13-14
- Varsity Volleyball @ Louisville Invitational Volleyball Tournament
September 14-15
- Golf @ Kentucky All-State Tournament @ UK
Sunday, September 15
- Field Hockey vs Sacred Heart. Freshman 5:00 p.m., JV 6:15 p.m. Varsity 7:30 p.m.