May 2, 2024

President and the Principal, Mary Lang and Martha Tedesco
Next week is National Teacher Appreciation Week, and we will be celebrating our amazing faculty and staff all week long for the great work that they do. We are so lucky to have such a dedicated staff of exceptional individuals who are hard-working, committed, innovative, creative, and caring. The Community of Assumption is grateful for these women and men who guide our students every day!
We have asked our students to take a moment next week to thank a faculty or staff member who has made a difference in their lives. We invite you to do the same. We also ask that you join our community in prayer as we ask God to bless our faculty and staff for the incredible blessing they are to the Community of Assumption.
God of all wisdom,
bless the faculty and staff of Assumption High School who give their heart and soul to their vocation of helping students learn and grow. Thank you for the special gifts that You have given them and also for giving them a spirit of grace, understanding, and compassion. May they have strength and endurance to perform the many, many tasks they are responsible for, and may they know the deep gratitude of those they teach and those they serve.
We thank you for their creativity, work ethic, commitment, drive, and sense of humor. We thank you for the lives they have changed and transformed, for the countless ways they have taught by the example set by Jesus. During this National Teacher Appreciation Week, bless those faculty and staff who have contributed to the lives of others, inspiring them to become the very best versions of themselves.

Oh The Places They Will Go…
Wednesday, May 1 was National College Decision Day, and our seniors celebrated in the courtyard during lunches with photo backdrops and a senior strut to represent where they’re headed after Assumption! We are so proud of these seniors and can’t wait to see what their future holds!

SCHOOL HOLIDAY: Friday, May 3, is a school holiday and the school will be closed.
AP EXAMS: AP Exams will be held Monday, May 6 through Thursday, May 16. Important information about the testing days and testing site as well as how to help your daughter be prepared can be found through these links: AP EXAM SCHEDULE and AP EXAM GENERAL INFORMATION
FINE ARTS PROGRAMS: Please join us in celebrating the arts by attending one of the following events that showcase the talents of our Fine Arts students. All events take place in the Performing and Fine Arts Center (theater).
- Visual Arts Show – Tuesday, May 7 at 6:30 p.m. – open admission
- Spring Music Concert – Thursday, May 9 at 6:30 p.m. – admission is $5

LAST PARENT PRAYER GROUP OF THE SCHOOL YEAR: We invite all parents to join our last parent prayer group of the school year that will meet on Tuesday, May 7 at 8:30 a.m. in the chapel. After summer break, we’ll look forward to reconvening the parent prayer group in August!
PRAYER INTENTIONS: The Community of Assumption knows the power of prayer! All AHS parents and alumnae are invited to submit prayer intentions online. These intentions are then lifted in prayer all together during Five-Minute Prayer in the chapel on Wednesdays and weekly on the PA during morning prayer. If you would like to submit an intention, you can do so here. They will remain there for about two weeks, but feel free to post the same intention again later if needed. Also, you may wish to consider adding the intentions you find there to your own personal prayer!

Next week our freshmen, sophomores and juniors will participate in RTI during LEAD & Learn on Monday and Tuesday, while our seniors will hear about the next steps in becoming an alumna and taking care of their mental health in college by seeking out resources on campus. They will have their final class meeting together on Tuesday, and their final homeroom celebration on Thursday. Wrapping up a four-year journey with homeroom is bittersweet, but we have plenty of ways to celebrate our seniors in store. After their final walkout on Thursday, our underclasswomen will start their Friday morning with our Underclasswomen Honors Ceremony where we will award academic, service, leadership, and scholarship excellence.

WORK IT WEDNESDAY – MAY’S SCHEDULE: The Achievement Center will be hosting the FINAL Work It Wednesday of this school year on May 8. There will be no Work It Wednesday on May 15 due to a faculty meeting. Students are invited to come to the Media Center from 7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. to receive extra support in their classes from peer tutors, study groups, or the AC teachers. We ask students to please RSVP in advance. Stay tuned for May’s exam study group schedule.
ASSUMPTION HONORS CEREMONY: The Assumption Honors Ceremony will be held again this year at Assumption for our underclasswomen. At this event, we will celebrate and accomplishments of our underclasswomen in the areas of academics, service, fine arts, and leadership and honor scholarship recipients. We will also honor the service of faculty and staff as we award the annual Karen Russ Excellence in Teaching Award to a faculty member and the Excellence Award for Staff and bid farewell to teachers who are retiring from Assumption this school year. This assembly’s objectives include spotlighting the accomplishments of the current school year, encouraging and challenging students toward goals for the following year, and celebrating our year as a community. The assembly will be held in the gym from 8:30-10:30 a.m. on Friday, May 10.
BOOK BUYBACKS: We will conduct our book buybacks on Friday, May 24 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. If students will be selling their books back to MBS Direct, they will need to go to their website after May 13, get a quote, and print out two (2) copies of the packing slip (three copies if you have more than six books). In order to take full advantage of the guaranteed buyback, students will need to log into the account used to purchase books when accessing book buyback online quotes. If you need assistance, please contact JUDY FIELDHOUSE. Please see this flyer for details and instructions.
WORK STUDY PROGRAM: For the 2024-2025 school year, Assumption will continue offering our Work Study program for interested students. Work Study involves assisting our facility and custodial teams with cleaning classrooms after school. Students receive a $400 tuition credit for every 40 hours worked, as well as a $20 Campus Store credit. An application to apply for the next school year will be included with our summer mailing sent the end of July. All students are welcome to apply!
TUITION AND REGISTRATION FEES FOR THE 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR: Parents or guardians of current freshman, sophomore, or junior students received an email announcing tuition for the 2024-2025 school year on March 27, 2024. This year we will continue to use Blackbaud Tuition Management (BBTM) for registration and tuition for our current students. BBTM has automatically re-enrolled your account for the 2024-2025 school year, and you should have received a verification email from BBTM with instructions on how to log in to your 2024-2025 account. If you need further assistance getting logged in, please call Blackbaud directly at 1-888-868-8828. Please log in, set up your payment plans and bank information, and pay your $225 registration fee by May 8, 2024, to secure your daughter’s enrollment for the upcoming school year. If your daughter will not be returning for the 2024-2025 school year, please contact our registrar, KATHY FLEISCHER. If you have any questions about your account, please contact TAMMY FINCH.
A member of our IT Department will share the following information with our students in one of their May class meetings.
- All students must turn in their HP laptop to the Boeckmann Lab by their last day of classes. Seniors must turn in their HP laptops on their last day of classes or after their last exam. We must have them turned in before graduation. All other students need to turn them in on or before May 24.
- Graduating seniors may purchase their HP laptops for $5.00. However, they must turn them in and tell us then if they want to purchase them so we can remove the school software. The graduates may pick up their purchased HP laptops starting the week of June 17. Come to the Boeckmann Lab Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
- If a senior wants to purchase her HP laptop, the $5.00 fee, (cash or check, no credit cards) will be collected when she comes to pick it up. The HP laptops not purchased by the seniors will be placed in our school loaner pool or will be used for parts to fix other computers.
- The PC warranty and accidental damage protection ends the day before graduation.
- Rising seniors may pick up their HP laptops starting the week of July 15 and rising sophomores and juniors starting the week of July 22. Come to the Boeckmann Lab Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. HP laptops can only be given to students who come with their school-issued case to pick up. This is a requirement for our accidental damage insurance.
- Students who are experiencing any hardware issues (physical damage such as cracked screens, damaged plastics, etc.) with their HP laptops must bring their devices to the Boeckmann Lab within 30 days of the accidental damage.
PARKING FOR JUNIORS AND SENIORS FOR NEXT YEAR: Our current sophomores and juniors will soon be given detailed information about parking for next year. Students need to have their driver’s license (not just a permit) by August 9 to apply for a parking space before school starts and begin driving to school on the first day of the new school year; those who won’t have licenses by August 9 but will have them by Labor Day may apply for a space now, but it won’t be assigned until after school starts and they get their licenses. Juniors and seniors who won’t be ready to start driving to school until after Labor Day will just come to the main office to request a parking space whenever they are ready. Because we believe in helping our students be responsible and accountable for themselves, we ask that students submit their own parking requests online and work with school personnel to resolve any difficulties they have related to parking. Detailed information on parking will be shared with students so they can submit the necessary materials and meet stated deadlines. That said, to help parents of rising juniors and seniors encourage their daughters in taking care of parking business themselves, here are some key dates the girls will need to keep in mind:
- Monday, July 15, 3:00 p.m.: Deadline for submitting a parking request for space assignment before school starts
- Monday, July 15, 3:00 p.m.: Deadline for having passengers set up in CarpoolToSchool.com (the number of other AHS students in the carpool on this date will determine the priority for assigning parking).
If your daughter wants to drive to school next year, please encourage her to consider giving a ride to another student to/from school, practice, etc. It builds community, is good for the environment, and helps Assumption be a good neighbor by reducing the amount of school-related traffic on Bardstown Road in the morning and afternoons. As has been the case for at least 15 years, priority in assigning parking will be given to students with carpools and will not be based on seniority.
CARPOOL INFORMATION FOR PARENTS: Assumption is pleased to announce that we will again partner with CarpoolToSchool.com for the 2024-2025 school year. This online service creates an Assumption-only network that allows parents and students to set up carpools to and/or from school that others can then join or request to join a carpool to/from school that has already been set up by another AHS parent or by an AHS junior or senior who drives to school. As noted in the information about student parking above, this is one of the many ways that we build community, respect the environment, and try to be good neighbors by reducing the amount of school-related traffic on Bardstown Road. Parents of incoming freshmen and rising sophomores should be receiving an email from CarpoolToSchool.com on Thursday, May 16 inviting them to participate (check your junk folder if you don’t see it in your Inbox). Parents of rising juniors and seniors who are interested in using this service (instead of having their daughters do it themselves) may log on to CarpoolToSchool and create a new account or access an already existing account; just “request a new password” if you don’t remember what you set up previously. Parents who have general questions about CarpoolToSchool may contact Tatum Park in the main office; those needing technical help with the CarpoolToSchool website are encouraged to use the LiveChat feature on the CTS website (Monday through Friday from 7 a.m.-7 p.m.) or contact Mrs. Park for assistance.
- Teacher Appreciation: As we near the end of this school year, we’d like to take some time to show the AHS faculty and staff how much we appreciate all they do for our daughters. During the week of May 6-10, we are planning to show our appreciation to the faculty and staff. We are asking parents to contribute to this event, if so inclined, by sending in gift cards or monetary donations. You can send these in with your daughters or drop them off to the main office to the attention of Tricia Ferree in the Advancement Department. You can also send monetary donations to the AHS Venmo account @Assumption High School with “Faculty/Staff Appreciation” in the description line. If possible, please send these in by May 8. Any donation is appreciated.
ACT TEST PREP FOR SOPHOMORES AND JUNIORS: We are offering our students the opportunity to partner with TorchPrep, an innovative test training program that cracks the code on improving ACT scores. TorchPrep has continually yielded outstanding ACT scores for our students. Last year, Assumption students who participated in TorchPrep saw an average score increase of 2.3 points. All courses include 30 hours of direct training, four full-length simulated tests, TorchPrep training manual, customized study plan, and guaranteed results. The training program will take place at Assumption June 3 – 6 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Early registration deadline is May 24. More information about programs, registration, and fees can be found at www.torchprep.com.
SUMMER ACADEMIC OPPORTUNITIES: Academic opportunities for the summer have been updated. You can find these on our guidance department page by clicking here: SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES 2024. There are numerous opportunities available with many costing less than $1,000. Programs are grouped according to areas of interest like General/Pre-College, Leadership, STEM, etc. Many applications are due in March and require the assistance of guidance for transcript releases, recommendations, and other documentation. Please contact LEIGH JACKSON or KIM HABICH with any questions.
ROCKET NIGHT AT THE BATS: The Assumption Alumnae Association invites you to their Rocket Night at the Bats on June 13! All are welcome to join AHS for a night of Rocket pride, family fun, and Bats baseball at Louisville Slugger Field. The game starts at 6:35 p.m. but get there early to get some AHS swag as well as food and drink specials. Click here to get your ticket. For more info, contact ABBY MARTIN.
FACULTY OPENINGS FOR THE 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR: Next year, we are in need of full-time teachers in the following areas: English, Spanish, and Theology. These openings have been posted on our website linked here: AHS Website If you know of anyone who might be interested and a great fit for Assumption, please share this job posting with them.

SENIOR PROM: Our seniors will have a special holiday from school on the day of their prom, next Friday, May 10. The Senior Prom will be held in the Da Vinci Room at the Mellwood Art Center and starts at 6:30 p.m. The seniors and their guests need to arrive at the Da Vinci Room between 6 and 7 p.m., and dinner will be served at 7 p.m. Students arriving after 7:15 p.m. will not be admitted to the dance unless they have made prior arrangements with Mrs. Wesley, our dean of students. Prom ends at 11 p.m. If something unfortunate would happen between now and May 10 and your daughter’s planned guest is no longer going to attend with her, please encourage your daughter to come anyway—she can come alone, with a group of girls, or with a friend (lots of our girls do this anyway so she won’t stand out). We just want her to come and celebrate this final, very special dance with the rest of her class, regardless of who does or does not come with her.
SENIOR EVENTS WEBPAGE: A reminder that important information about upcoming senior schedules and events is available on the AHS website on the Class of 2024 senior webpage linked here: CLASS OF 2024 SENIOR EVENTS WEBPAGE
SENIOR EXIT SURVEYS: It’s May, and we can’t believe our seniors will be leaving us soon! Before they go, we wanted to provide an opportunity for them to give us feedback on their Assumption experience. Next week, seniors will be sent a senior exit survey to complete. They will also be invited to chat with their principal, Mrs. Tedesco, in person about any of their answers to the survey questions as she hosts “Popsicles with the Principal” during all lunches on Wednesday, May 8 in the senior courtyard. Please encourage your senior daughter to complete her survey by next Monday, May 13 and visit with Mrs. Tedesco to chat and enjoy a celebratory popsicle on Wednesday!
CLASS OF 2024 YARD SIGNS: Seniors received their Class of 2024 yard sign last Friday at the end of Senior Celebration. We have asked the seniors to take a picture with their yard sign and send it to ELISABETH CASSADY.
SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT GRADUATION TICKETS: If your family will not be using all ten (10) of the allotted graduation tickets that were handed out to your senior two weeks ago, please have her bring them to the main office so they can be distributed to another senior who is in need of extra tickets. Thank you!

JUNIOR RING CEREMONY: Junior Ring Ceremony is Saturday, May 11 at 11:00 a.m. at St. Raphael. Students will need to be arrive no later than 10:45 a.m. and should meet their homeroom teacher and family behind St. Raphael by the basketball courts. Students are welcome to invite up to four (4) guests to attend this wonderful celebration and may enter St. Raphael upon arrival to be seated. We are looking forward to this very special celebration for our juniors as we mark the passing of leadership to the Class of 2025. Special reminder about rings: If your student did not order a ring from Balfour, she will need to bring her own ring/jewelry with her and hold onto it for the ceremony. If your student ordered a ring from Balfour, the junior class moderator will bring the ring to the ceremony and give it to the student.

JUNIOR ACTS SERVICE HOURS: Last week in their theology classes, sophomores learned the details about their junior ACTS requirement. They are encouraged to begin this over the summer. Before they begin serving, they will need to complete an online commitment form that requires a guardian’s signature. Please see the syllabus for all the details. JUNIOR ACTS SYLLABUS If you have any questions, please reach out the service-learning director, Katie Culver (katie.culver@ahsrockets.org)
GSP APPLICATIONS AND STANDARDIZED TESTS: Sophomores interested in applying for the Governor’s Scholars Program (GSP) next fall are encouraged to take an ACT in June or July and/or an SAT in June in addition to the standardized tests offered through AHS in the fall. Doing this will help students to achieve the best possible score prior to the application deadline. If you have any questions, please email COLLEEN MURPHY or visit the GSP website at http://gsp.ky.gov/Pages/index.aspx.

The entire cast and crew of the Rose Theatre Company for their talented performances of the spring play, Much Ado About Nothing!
The 12 seniors in the class of 2024 who have completed the coursework and requirements for AP Capstone. This diploma program from the College Board is based on two yearlong AP courses: AP Seminar and AP Research. Rather than teaching subject-specific content, these courses develop students’ skills in research, analysis, evidence-based arguments, collaboration, writing, and presenting. In the last two weeks, the students’ work culminated in a formal presentation and oral defense, an evening showcase where they shared their work with the greater Assumption community, and the submission of a 4,000-5,000 word academic research paper that addressed a gap in a discipline of their choosing. Congratulations to: Stelle Bensenhaver, Sam Bradley, Taylor Field, Erin Hynes, Erin Kirwan, Josie McRae, Elena Page, Lillie Roberts, Madeline Schellenberger, Caitlin Sloan, Sophia Van Noy and Anna Whinnery
The following French students for their performance on the National French exam. They earned a certificate of honor for their exceptional scores.
- Level 1: Annika Haulk, Ainsley Simon, and Kate Skeeto
- Level 2: Lily Barker and Olivia Harris
- Level 3: Sophie Ising, Lindy Miller, Maureen Lally, Bridget Wolfram
- Level 4: Lilly Rice
Additionally, Claire Pyles and Bridget Wolfram earned medals of distinction!

PHYSICALS: A reminder to all parents of Assumption athletes: It is required by the KHSAA that your daughter have a current physical on file with the athletic office before she may participate in tryouts or practice of any kind. This physical must be submitted on the KHSAA physical form. Fall sports tryouts begin July 15. Please call and make a doctor’s appointment today with your daughter’s primary care physician. There are no group physicals offered here at school.
Dance Tryouts: April 27 from 8:30-10:30 a.m. in the AHS Gym and April 28 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at 360 Dance (11401 Plantside Drive)
ROCKET PHOTOS: Be sure to check out Rocket Photos: https://mhaasphotography.shootproof.com/gallery/ahs2023-24/
Congratulations to:
- The Varsity Softball team for moving to 21-9 on the season with big wins over Eastern and Male, the two top teams in the seventh region
- The Varsity Lacrosse team for defeating Notre Dame, Oaks Hills (OH), and South Oldham, bringing their record to 10-4 with one regular season game remaining.
- The Varsity Tennis team for beating Simon Kenton 4-1 and the JV Tennis team for finishing as runner-up at the Sacred Heart JV Tournament

Thursday, May 2
- Lacrosse @ Eastern. JV 5:30, Varsity 7:00 p.m.
- Track @ Sundown Invitational @ Oldham County 5:00 p.m.
- Softball @ Jeffersonville (IN). Varsity 5:30 p.m., JV 7:00 p.m.
Friday, May 3
- Track @ Dream Mile @ St. X 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 4
- Track @ Run for the Roses @ Male. 8:00 p.m.
Monday, May 6
- Varsity Tennis vs Ballard @ Trinity Courts 3:45 p.m. **Senior Night**
- Softball vs Central Hardin. Varsity 6:30, JV 8:00 p.m. **Senior Night**
- Lacrosse Regional Semifinals vs Mercy @ Sacred Heart 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, May 7
- Track JV Mini Meet. 6:00 p.m. **Senior Night**
Wednesday, May 8
- Softball @ Bullitt East. Varsity 6:00 p.m., JV 7:30 p.m.
- Varsity Tennis @ Oldham County 4:15 p.m.
- Lacrosse Regional Finals @ Sacred Heart. TBA
Thursday, May 9
- Softball @ Atherton. Varsity 5:00 p.m., JV 6:30 p.m.
- Track @ JV Championship @ St. X 4:30 p.m.