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Discover Assumption
Learn about Assumption straight from our Administration Team. This event is open to parents of seventh and eighth graders. Experience how every decision at Assumption is guided by our mission: faith guides, compassion inspires, integrity matters and excellence empowers.
View a recorded version of the event with live chat!
Thursday, October 29 at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom
At Discover Assumption, you’ll learn about:
- our innovative and extensive academic curriculum
- advantages of AP and DC courses
- small class sizes
- individualized schedules unique to your daughter’s academic needs
- our approach to preparing your daughter for success on the ACT
- the vast capabilities of the tablet PC program
- preparation for college and beyond
Who you will hear from:
- Mary Lang, President
- Mary Ann Steutermann, Director of Campus Ministry
- Martha Tedesco ’90, Principal
- Judy Fieldhouse H’19, Dean of Studies
- Theresa Schuhmann ’92, Dean of Studies & Student Activities
- Cindi Baughman H’08, Dean of Students