Tablet PC Student Policies


Electronic information research skills are fundamental to preparing citizens and employees for the Information Age.  Assumption High School subscribes to and uses a web filtering system to filter out known pornographic or otherwise inappropriate sites. No filtering system, however, is foolproof. Therefore, students should behave responsibly when using these resources. Internet access at Assumption is provided for students to conduct educational research, and individual email accounts are provided to facilitate communication for academic and school-related purposes. Use of these network services will be available to students who agree to act in a responsible and considerate manner.

Students are responsible for appropriate behavior on the Internet just as they are in the school building. School rules and policies regarding behavior and communication apply. Network storage areas and individual email accounts provided by the school remain the property of Assumption High School, similar to school-provided lockers; administrators and other appropriate school personnel may review the files and communications to maintain system integrity and to ensure that users are using the system responsibly and within school guidelines. Users should not expect that files or communications are private.

Assumption High School accepts no responsibility or liability for the deletion, corruption, or failure to store any messages or other content maintained or transmitted by students using school computer services.

Email Guidelines and Regulations

  1. School-provided email accounts are to be used only for school-related communication.
  2. School email needs to be checked frequently, at least once each day. Important information, including overdue notices for library books and scholarship information from the guidance department, is communicated to students via email.
  3. Just as with announcements to be made over the PA, a student wanting to send an email message to a whole class or to the whole student body needs to give the message to the appropriate faculty member (class moderator, club moderator, athletic director, etc.), who will send the email on behalf of the student. A student may contact the dean of students if she needs assistance in this area.
  4. Students are not to give their school email addresses to others outside the school community with the exception of using it for academic purposes such as college applications,, club communications, etc.
  5. School email accounts are monitored by the school network administrator who will report inappropriate usage to the dean of students for disciplinary follow up.
  6. As with all communication, appropriate language must be used.
  7. A subject should be included when sending email via a school account.
  8. If an inappropriate email from anyone is ever received via a school account, the receiver should immediately forward the message to

Network and Internet Regulations

  1. Students may not give their passwords to anyone or offer access to any individual via their Assumption accounts.
  2. Students may only use their account for communication and research consistent with the educational objectives of Assumption High School.are to use their personal usernames and accounts when accessing Internet resources or email services. Students must have an adult present in the room when using the Internet resources or email services.
  3. Students may not use, alter, or destroy another person’s data.
  4. Students should not reveal their personal addresses or phone numbers or those of other students.
  5. Cyber bullying, the act of offending, harassing or threatening people through technological means, is strictly forbidden and will bring severe disciplinary consequences.
  6. Students may encounter material which is controversial and which they, their parents, teachers, or administrators may consider inappropriate or offensive. It is the student’s responsibility not to initiate access to such material, but if she should inadvertently find it, she should promptly remove it from the computer screen. Such materials should never be saved or printed; if a student has done so inadvertently, she should report the incident, delete the files, and destroy the papers.


  • Violations may result in a loss of network privileges.
  • When warranted, disciplinary action will be taken.
  • When applicable, law enforcement agencies may be involved.